This document was successfully checked as HTML5!


I just created a monologue about having run my home page through the validator program, and I was able to get rid of 20 coding errors on my home page that way. I just went through the rest of the errors on my page and corrected them all. My home page tested error free!

My home page was now valid html5 code, but it still displayed correctly on IE 10 and IE 11 in compatability node. This might not sound like much of an accomplishment, but compatibility mode displays like IE 8; still not a big deal. It becomes a big deal when you consider that IE doesn't display html5 specific code; e.g., the audio tag. That means the html5 audio doesn't play, and my conditional IE tags embed the Windows Media Player. ...but IE10 and IE11 don't read "revealed" tags, so the markup for the html5 still displays. I resolved that issue. See how I did it; take a look at the source code on my home page, and look for the code over the <div id="jukeBoxTop"> tag. Except, I changed the code back (so that's not my current home page), to where I'm using revealed conditional tags. Why did I do that? The page took longer to load again, and it wasn't displaying correctly in IE6 (yes I'm testing for that, too). So I do show two errors now when testing for html5 validation (the two locations where I kept the revealed IE conditional code), but here's an image from my error free test:


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