In my last blog I stated there were two methods that immediately came to mind for improving the number of smile hits
my smile detection program was getting; making use of the maxxangle (and maxyangle and maxzangle) parameter available with the opencv_trainscascade
program, and/or increasing the area around the mouth where I was searcing for smiles. opencv_traincascade defaults to values of 1.1 for all three
max angle parameters; I set them all to 1.6. Once again, I didn't see a dramatic improvement over my original method of creating haarcascade files.
I created the file used to create the video on this web page with the following command:
opencv_traincascade -data cascades -vec vector/facevector.vec -bg bg.txt -numstages 11 -minHitRate .99 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.31 -numPos 2000 -numNeg 500 -w 25 -h 25 -bt GAB -mode ALL -precalcValBufSize 768 -precalcIdxBufSize 768 -maxxangle 1.6 -maxyangle 1.6 -maxzangle 1.6
I could still play around with the other parameters that are available to me, until I get some improvement. ...and I can look into searching for smiles
over a larger area. After I get the most number of hits sticking with my current number of smile samples, I'll goto a 3000 image vector file and 2400
smiles in the opencv_traincascade command.