JSObject Is Broken In IE10


In my last blog I said I  had decided to fix stuff on my website.  I fixed up the shopping cart in Lorraine's Photography site, but I played around with it a few days later and found out that the checkout had stopped working.  Goto my wife's photography site at slideshows/index.html and bring up one of her photo galleries (slideshows); e.g., slideshows/Brownheads/SlideShowJAp.html You'll find three buttons at the top of the slideshow; Add To Cart, Remove and Checkout.  Click on Add To Cart and it'll add a picture to the shopping cart. To buy the picture you need to click on Checkout; the cart will then be populated by a sales form. It looks like:


The image above is from Firefox. You can also see this with Chrome or just about any browser except IE10 (I've heard IE9 has the same problem). My shopping cart is a Java applet, and to write over the Java code on the web page I create a JSObject and write JavaScript to it:

      JSObject win = (JSObject)JSObject.getWindow(this);              
      win.eval("createHTML(\"" + picOrderStr + "\");");       
   catch (Exception e)
      System.out.println("failed to produce picOrders");
picOrderStr is a string that contains the html code that creates the sales form. This works just fine in every web browser except IE, since IE9. Unfortunately this isn't the first time IE has broken stuff. This is just the latest example. 


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