My Site is Wildly Popular


I searched for my own site today, and there it was on the very first search page! There were 600 web pages with the name "Dave's Home Page" in that search, so I'm one of the most popular "Dave's Home Page" on the Internet. I just did a search on and here are the results:


That's me, 2nd from the top of the first page, "Dave Katelansky. Email:". At the top of the page you can see that the search returned 14,800 results! How did I get so wildly popular? I get a lot of hits on my site. The more hits you get on your site the higher up you appear in a web search. I've posted some blogs about how I've upgraded my site, too. If I hadn't upgraded my software and hardware I wouldn't be able to support all the hits I've been getting. ...but you have to get the hits, and this is how I've done it:

(1) Starting back in 2011 I began e-mailing my resume to about 1000 potential employers, every day. I left the URL of my online resume (which is on my website, in my program section) and an invitation to view the rest of my website while they were at it. Nobody hired me, but I got a lot of web hits. I finally quit the mass mailing because it was too much work sifting through all the replies I was getting.

(2) I have parts of my original timeshare website incorporated in the website (I used to work for a timeshare resale company - we sold about 1 timeshare/day; about 1 timeshare/day more then most timeshare resale companies). On the home page of this site I put the mortgage calculator I made for the timeshare site; it draws a lot of hits.

(3) I have a lot of music on my site; links to mp3 files and streaming music when you visit my home page; very popular.

(4) I have code for some programs I've written. Not a huge draw, but I get hits from people looking for programming how to pages.


I was so inspired by being near the top of a search that I registered with (which registers you with also) and  I think I already registered with those search engines a while back, but it can't hurt (I don't think it can) to do it again. I think I'll look into what other search engines I can register with. I've also started adding search meta words to my page headers. Now that I'm near the top, I feel I should make a little effort to bubble up even higher in the search rankings for "Dave's Home Page".


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