Just recently I needed to find the e-mail addresses of some Republicans. No specific Republicans, but I wanted the e-mail addresses I collected to belong to Republicans. I modified a search program I had already been using for other purposes to find Republican e-mail addresses, and in fact any e-mail address for specific search strings; e.g., e-mail addresses for Democrats. Say I wanted to get e-mail addresses from the pages of the Florida Republican website, and only from those pages that have the word "Republican" on them, I can now enter:
java SearchCrawlerDave Republican http://rpof.org limit -Xmx4096m
You can enter Republican in any combination of upper and lowercase letters; I lowercase everything for the search. If you wanted the search string to be "Florida Republicans" you'd enter just like that, in quotes. If you don't want to limit yourself to the pages of the Florida Republican website, you would replace "limit" with "nolimit" (leave off the quotes this time). The -Xmx4096m is a standard Java flag; it sets the program stack to 4 GBytes (I have a lot of memory on my PC).
The best way to familiarize yourself with this program is to download it, and study the code. ...or if you'd like, just download it and compile it with a Java compiler. Play around with the program and you'll figure out how to get the e-mail addresses for just about any demographic. If you need more precise controls for your search then check out the routine "search"; it's a simple string search. You can mess around with the search function to use more sophisticated searching techniques; e.g., regular expressions (which I already use to find e-mail addresses).
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