I Just Cleaned Up My Source Code


In my last blog I explained why there were now two copies of my html5 audio code in my home page source code. I cleaned up the code on my home page, but when it runs the application counter page gets corrupted and I eventually have to reboot my web server and run lodctr /r too renew the counter tables. Take a look  at the source code in the following iFrame so you can see how I now use a combination of IE revealed conditional statements and  Javascript so I can play html5 audio on Android systems and Realplayer on non-IE browsers that aren't running on Android.




Only my web server gets corrupted counter tables. If I view the above web page from a client system, nothing untowards happens. So the problem might be a problem with Serval, my web server. If anybody wants to setup a multi-media player web page like the above web page, I'd like to know if it gives you similar problems or not.

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