The link on my home page to Lorraine's Photography is a link to a 100% client side processing site.  I wrote Lorraine's site without server side code out of necessity; I wrote it on a personal page site that didn't support CGI scripts or Java servlets. The site doesn't support ftp processing from an applet or any other nicety that would've made my task any easier.  So I had to do the following:

(1) Create a static applet for registering other applets.

      a. Applets communicate with each other by finding each other in a static hashtable, and calling each     other's public interfaces.

(2) The shopping cart pops up with the homepage and can't be closed (or you can't make any purchases). Purchases can be made directly with the cart but can also be made from ...

(3) ...the slide shows. The items for sale on this site are photographs, which can be viewed in slide shows. The slide show pages have buttons for add to cart, remove from cart and checkout.

        a. The add and remove from cart buttons work by getting a copy of the cart from the static page, and accessing the methods for adding to and removing from the cart object.

        b. The checkout button accesses a method that writes out an order form to the cart, using Java to JavaScript communication (liveconnect).

             1. The submit button on the order form calls the local mail program with a mailto:  which uses the information in the form and the order in the cart to create the body of the mail

(4) The user has to click send on the mail pop-up to send his order, which gives him/her the option of changing the order or just not doing it.



I've told several people about this sales sight, asking them to give me a critique. Unfortunately, nobody has been able to see the slideshows. I wrote the slideshows with Sun Java (version 1.2.1 so even old browsers could view them) but everybody I've spoken with only can view with the MS VM. Microsoft last gave support for the MS VM with Windows 2000. I expected users of pre XP Windows to have upgraded to IE 6.0 by now and to have Sun Java support; not so. Even users of Windows XP that have upgraded from Windows 2000 are still using their old Windows settings and only have the MS VM from J++ running in their browsers. To remedy this situation I've added a slideshow written in J++ 6.0 (I still have my copy that I purchased in 1999). Now when you click on a link to a slideshow you're directed to an html page that checks for the manufacturer's name of your browser's VM; a return of "Microsoft" redirects you to the J++ slideshow. The J++ slideshow uses AWT (as opposed to Swing for the Sun version) graphics, which Sun Java can also use, but it uses ActiveX for communication with the JavaScript functions in the web page; Sun Java can't handle that (the Sun version uses liveconnect instead of ActiveX).

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